I'm done in every exams that I had! Yeayyy! Let's party :p hahaha. I got 5remedials when the final examination has overed & I actually sad of it :( it just like I'm the only one who don't want to work hard for it! Geezzz! And left this week to have my schools & next week will be my holiday. Before, this week my school will have Christmas Celebration too. It's around 1hour for a Celebration. I wish I could bring my camera to take some photos there :))) WISMILAK! Haha. Then for my holidays, I've got list to do in these holiday already. I will re-smoothing my hair, celebrating Christmas at church, having some hang outs with friends, learning to drive car, & many more. And actually I wish I could buy some clothes too :) now, I should have a little by little change :pp wkwkwk. I love to see beautiful dress as I love everythings UNIQUE! But I wasn't that brave to have it :p hahaha. Okay, many days I've passed. And actually I'm kinda lazy to wri...