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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2014


Kay, i feel stupidier for liking someone. I really think that I shud be waiting for someone to come and I shud never ever speaks how my heart is before a guy that I like speaks out that he has a feeling for me. You know, I have been missing a lot of things and I keep having a lot of questions about him. - how are you? - what are you doing? - have you eaten your food? - how's life going? - how's your study going? - do you miss the day we talk a lot? - do you know how i have been waiting for you to start the conversation? - did i disturb you? - why you are so ignorance? - did i make you feel awkward? - could you just forgot what I have confessed to you last time? - can we get back to the time where i haven't told you about my feeling so that i can still discuss a lot of things with you? Well, those questions are useless because the answer will always be no for positive questions and yes for negative questions. I think I do really hope too much. And i have been very embarrasse...


Happy New Year my lovely reader :) Let's treasure 2014 more and let's be a better person than we were in 2013. Well, this post's topic isn't about new year, but then about the dream i had yesterday. I was dreaming about the person that I like. It was a shocking dream for me, honestly. In my dream, he kept following me and kept helping me in all the way he could do. He will always be there for me wherever I need something. And in that dream, I was like this to him, "hellooo, aren't you liking another girl and why did you keep following me?"  Yeah, in my dream, I felt annoy with his surprising changes. And he was just smiling and kept doing everything for me. And also, something happened in my dream. While we were walking, suddenly we met that girl that he has liked for more than 3 years and then they talked and i kept walking. I still remembered, in that dream, I was very jealous that's why I ignored them and just walk away. But then, they just talked ...