Yesterday,, was the open house day.. mm.. Well,, I could said that last year open house was better than yesterday. Coz,, last year the open house ended until around 5-6 in the afternun. But yesterday,, it almost ended around 3-5 in the afternun.. Iahh.. But it's alrite.. Evrythin has gone in my life. ^^.
In open house,, there was Ms&Mr POS. woo.. The favourite Ms&MrPOS was DS, the Ms POS was II. mm. It was strange vor me bout dat.. Actually,, rili.. I was hopin VL to be the winner. But,, she didn win in it.. Ohhh.. I was so sad. But I appreciate evrythin,, I was hepi too if II was the MsPOS. But there was sth. in my that rili heart annoyed me vry much yesterday. dunno wad's dat, but I was feeling dat,, she isn rili nice than VL. Iahhh.. It has happend, wad vor is it I'm thingking bout dat ? Next year,, I'll suport VL again,, if she's greater than the others 2candidate of MsPOS. ^^.
Ms&Mr POS are telling bout their favor country & heving their talented show.. Here thay are:
1. SYH-Korean-singing+playing keyboard
2. DS-USA-reepp
3. II-S'pore-reading poem
4. KK-China-singing
5. VL-India-dancing
6. N-Indonesia-magic
That's all wad they were doing there. At the last,, they also sing together a song titled "Where Is The Love"-u knoe wad song is dat.
I was only joining school tour in open house-a guider who explains about the whole of the school. It was an annoying job vor me. Many visitors are fast,, and many visitors are slow.. hh. If u were the guider,, u'ld know, how annoying is it. hhe. mm.. But, I was rili hepi on dat day,, luckily I onli joined school tour there.. hha. and also I was rili a lucky person in the world because of joining school tour.. hha. ^^
Then,, after open house,, I went to SPlaza-u know what is my destination-to go to church and having MSJ-My Spiritual Journey-lesson. I&also others musn' be absent in that lesson. I was pity of J.She was the member of school tour too.. But her time is 3-3.30 and 4-4.30.. Because the MSJ started at 5, she couldn join MSJ.. I'm rili thankful to my Jesus Lord. He let me to join MSJ. thanks Jesus.. ^^ But I'm sure,, she would join again vor next week's lesson.. J ,, jia yo o.. ^^ Remember,, our JC will never ever leave us at everywhere.. ^^
Monday,, was holiday. Just helping my mom. hha. But it was a great day vor me even if I was only staying at MMall.. hha. On dat day,, it was EMW b'dae.. hha. Rili mornink,, around 8 mornink, I sent her a b'dae messeg to her. hha. ^^..
Alrite.. it's the end of this story.. ^^ I am be scolded by my mom now.. =( tha~