Heya!!! Long time I've never update my blog... Ciakakakak... I miss blogging... wkwkwk... Many stories I've passed... Many NEWS that I got... Wkwkwk...
○○○ I'm so happy, last Sunday I've a walked with Fransisca Novia - my old fren - at Sun Plaza... Yeah,, kinda miss her so much... Wkwkwk... Even there was only me & her,, but I was so happy... We shared many stories that time... Ahahaha... ♥ her...
○○○ Mm... I'm now not broken-hearted anymore with him... Now I'm just jealous with him... It means,, I've forgotton him a little bit... Miss him.. ^^
○○○ Yeayiiii... I'm so happy on 23rd & 24th of October... It's Promise Land time... wkwkwk.. Especially on 24th,, even I have to missed 3 songs,, but I was so happy with them that come to Yanglim Plaza...
○○○ Dave give me a good NEWs... wkwkwk... He'll come back to Medan tomorrow!!! Exactly tomorrow!!! (For the one who read this,, please dun tell anyone that Dave will come back to Medan... Thx... wkwkwk)
○○○ I've got a NEW fren, who is Dave's BestF too... A girl,, Christian,, & good behaviour.... I like her... Her name is Venny... wkwkwk..
○○○ I joined Graphic Design competition & Photography competition... I have hope in my design,, but for my photographs,, I think I have no hope anymore....
○○○ I ♥ YOU !!!!!
○○○ ♥ Daddy Jesus | ♥ cc Viviana | ♥ Cindy Williem | ♥ Cinthya Williem | ♥ Michelle | ♥ Frida Angelia Tandian | ♥ David Lionardi | ♥ Vivian Tristan | ♥ Maryance | ♥ Novalisa | ♥ Fransisca Novia | ♥ Erika Cuaca | ♥ Venzy Vinnesia | ♥ Venny | ♥ Jessica Novita | ♥ cc ChaCha | ♥ cc Ella | ♥ Talitha Yohana | ♥ Angeliny Chandra | ♥ Kevin | ♥ Fernanda Gabrielle Hutapea | ♥ Ricky Winata | ♥ Tri Utomo | ♥ Vivi Yolanda | ♥ Fumiko Sugawara | ♥ Ria Febriani Tampubolon | ♥ Jessica Hariwijaya | ♥ Edward Masli | ♥ Alfliani Aliansyah | ♥ Ivy Icasia | ♥ Ms. Martha | ♥ Ms. Fenny Wijaya | ♥ ALL OF YOU !!!!!