Hayhayhay! It has now the 4th day of Chinese New Year. Before I start everything, I would like to say HAPPY BELATED CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
Honestly, since I the new semester, I was focus at my lessons around 5%. I have to do design, school's events, church's events, and many more. Yap, as people say, I AM BUSY. But hopefully, I still try hard to complete all of my notes but not my homeworks - kind of disappointed actually - because I always forgot to ask my friend do we have any homework or not. And it ends as never doing homework at all.
As the first monthly exam will come soon, I directly disapproved any new jobs that will use a lot of time to do it. As example for God's Gift poster, I reject the job to design the poster. I want to try to focus in my lessons though I know it will be many fails as I am a person who is easy to get lazy, but I want to learn to study harder. Hopefully, God really help me out about this design. When I rejected, I know, there will be no one that will be able to design, everyone has their own things to focus. Suddenly, as XI IPA 1 has a lot of student that are M2C members, they remembered and recommended JETE as the designer. Hopefully again, we just opened the registration for new member of M2C for 3days and JETE also registered in our organization. So the next day after the selection of M2C's new members, we directly ask and tell her the design. She accepted it and I was so THANKFULLY GOD of it. JETE is really good at graphic design. I know she's just a beginner, but I know, she has more creativity than me. I am graphic design lover but I know I have limited creativity to only think for a design. God is so good.
Anyway, this is WHAT's NEXT brochure which I renewed again:

Then, this 3 days of CNY day that have passed, I was doing so good and happy. My parents made an open house for this year's CNY, so we didn't go to people's house but those people that come to our house.
CNY 1st day, only went out for around 1-2 hours to go to Sun Plaza to just ate Shillin's Chicken Crispy and bought breads at CLOVER, and I was doing this because me and my bro were accompanying my sister to improved her driving skill.
CNY 2nd day, having a lot of guest from my church friends, then in afternoon my sister drove to pick Ko YONO then bought cake and went to HARRY's house with me and DAVID and 3 of them sleep over at my house. We planned to make surprised for HARRY's bday at his house, but we canceled it and we did it at my house right around 1 o'clock in the morning on his bday. He was so happy. Really happy.
CNY 3rd day, planned to visit HARRY's house come afterward Ko YONO, DAVID, and my . But because I couldn't stop watching 49days, I canceled it. Then went to KALINGGA *church's office* at around 5 by pedicab. My sister wanted to pick me up but then I invited her to join me and church's staffs to go to Ko ROBBY's house first then having dinner at BATAGOR which is only located beside Ko ROBBY's complex's. Went home with no one who knows the way to go home. But I said that I will lead the way as I usually use my logic to go back to home. We got some problem and it made us reach home at almost eleven while the next day is school day. Oh yea, I remembered. Before I reached KALINGGA, I went to CLOVER to grant my promise to my mom to buy TUNA BREAD for her. I bought 5 TUNA BREADs and after I reached KALINGGA, I couldn't hold to eat that bread anymore. It is so DELICIOUS! So, I am so thankful to Ko ABOK who lead the way when we were lose way, MONI who accompany us in the car and keep us, and mostly thank you to Ci SHERLY ANJELIN who has waited so long in front of my house to pick MONI from my house. I am so thankful to dad and mom too who were kept patient with us and also GOD that really really so lovable.
Here's the photos of HARRY's birthday:

Honestly, since I the new semester, I was focus at my lessons around 5%. I have to do design, school's events, church's events, and many more. Yap, as people say, I AM BUSY. But hopefully, I still try hard to complete all of my notes but not my homeworks - kind of disappointed actually - because I always forgot to ask my friend do we have any homework or not. And it ends as never doing homework at all.
As the first monthly exam will come soon, I directly disapproved any new jobs that will use a lot of time to do it. As example for God's Gift poster, I reject the job to design the poster. I want to try to focus in my lessons though I know it will be many fails as I am a person who is easy to get lazy, but I want to learn to study harder. Hopefully, God really help me out about this design. When I rejected, I know, there will be no one that will be able to design, everyone has their own things to focus. Suddenly, as XI IPA 1 has a lot of student that are M2C members, they remembered and recommended JETE as the designer. Hopefully again, we just opened the registration for new member of M2C for 3days and JETE also registered in our organization. So the next day after the selection of M2C's new members, we directly ask and tell her the design. She accepted it and I was so THANKFULLY GOD of it. JETE is really good at graphic design. I know she's just a beginner, but I know, she has more creativity than me. I am graphic design lover but I know I have limited creativity to only think for a design. God is so good.
Anyway, this is WHAT's NEXT brochure which I renewed again:

Then, this 3 days of CNY day that have passed, I was doing so good and happy. My parents made an open house for this year's CNY, so we didn't go to people's house but those people that come to our house.
CNY 1st day, only went out for around 1-2 hours to go to Sun Plaza to just ate Shillin's Chicken Crispy and bought breads at CLOVER, and I was doing this because me and my bro were accompanying my sister to improved her driving skill.
CNY 2nd day, having a lot of guest from my church friends, then in afternoon my sister drove to pick Ko YONO then bought cake and went to HARRY's house with me and DAVID and 3 of them sleep over at my house. We planned to make surprised for HARRY's bday at his house, but we canceled it and we did it at my house right around 1 o'clock in the morning on his bday. He was so happy. Really happy.
CNY 3rd day, planned to visit HARRY's house come afterward Ko YONO, DAVID, and my . But because I couldn't stop watching 49days, I canceled it. Then went to KALINGGA *church's office* at around 5 by pedicab. My sister wanted to pick me up but then I invited her to join me and church's staffs to go to Ko ROBBY's house first then having dinner at BATAGOR which is only located beside Ko ROBBY's complex's. Went home with no one who knows the way to go home. But I said that I will lead the way as I usually use my logic to go back to home. We got some problem and it made us reach home at almost eleven while the next day is school day. Oh yea, I remembered. Before I reached KALINGGA, I went to CLOVER to grant my promise to my mom to buy TUNA BREAD for her. I bought 5 TUNA BREADs and after I reached KALINGGA, I couldn't hold to eat that bread anymore. It is so DELICIOUS! So, I am so thankful to Ko ABOK who lead the way when we were lose way, MONI who accompany us in the car and keep us, and mostly thank you to Ci SHERLY ANJELIN who has waited so long in front of my house to pick MONI from my house. I am so thankful to dad and mom too who were kept patient with us and also GOD that really really so lovable.
Here's the photos of HARRY's birthday:
