Heyhaaa, I miss blogging so much 'til now and I just able to write some words today. Been so busy of school's stuffs and so impossible for me to open laptop to just post new entry here at almost midnight. I've been went home so late these days and even if I opened laptop, I will only able to arrange photos for some needed stuffs. And hard for me to write because I could write new entry until 4 hours *can you imagine it?*.
Well, I will be telling you about the workshop that I have posted to you the design. Yes, it's What's Next Workshop. 1st day of school -Monday- I didn't come to school but I still came to school by my usual clothes and met Pak Malaoe there. I told him the design has done and he asked me to bring the printed on Tuesday. I was shocked and telling him that I don't know that it should be me who print it. And finally it has been printed and I gave that poster to an office where it is teacher's office who work as someone discipline the school on Wednesday. On Thursday I was called by that teacher because the problem of no LOGOs in that poster and the time doesn't match with the situation. So it was canceled and replace by another date and M2C's CEO, Nuovi Adeline, gave me the responsible to be as the head committee of this workshop because on Thursday I followed all of the problem 'til the end.

Nah, it was Evelyn who didn't see the camera, ME who was some kind busy of my BB, and Febe my partner for the workshop
The 2nd session, it has been prepared completely better than the first session. Projector has been borrowed, AQUA bottle has been bought and also for the AQUA cup, the duration of the time was just a little bit out of the time given, and everything has been so well. But then, about the AQUA cup, actually there are half box of the cups left last week and we planned to use it on the 2nd session. But then it was lost and we bought it 2 boxes again. Then because last week's AQUA bottle was only 7 and it wasn't enough, we bought 10 bottles. And also while the workshop was held on, I went to mom's shop for a moment to change my stuffs then I wanted to back to school, my mom gave me LONTONG for my lunch. But then, that food's water came out and it was making me has no mood to eat that so I threw it. For the bottles, left 4 bottles because the alumnus of that weren't that many as last week so I gave it to the Cleaning Service. The AQUA cups has a box and around 6 cups left, so the box I gave to Erwin and asked him to bring it home and the rest of cups I poured them in my bottle and I drank some left. The students who came at that session were half of last week's students, that's why the AQUA cups has a box and come cups left. Maybe this is because of the last week's workshop that was kind of mess, so that some students didn't has any mood to come again. And the last, the volunteer or the member of M2C, none of them accompany me 'til the time to go home. I arranged some of the stuffs that they didn't do and with a very extremely tired condition and face, I directly went to my cousin's house by pedicab as usual. Actually a bit disappointed of the member, but then, I will just let it be because when the time they were being like me, they will know how big the responsibility that they have for an event.
Overall, I learn a lot from this little event and actually I wish to handle the bigger event. But then, the M2C members should have their turn to do it. So I think, no more chance to do it again. Well, Should be sleeping now. Will have physics and bahasa exams and honestly I haven't studied and even understand about those two lessons. GOOD NIGHT. GOD BLESS!

Well, I will be telling you about the workshop that I have posted to you the design. Yes, it's What's Next Workshop. 1st day of school -Monday- I didn't come to school but I still came to school by my usual clothes and met Pak Malaoe there. I told him the design has done and he asked me to bring the printed on Tuesday. I was shocked and telling him that I don't know that it should be me who print it. And finally it has been printed and I gave that poster to an office where it is teacher's office who work as someone discipline the school on Wednesday. On Thursday I was called by that teacher because the problem of no LOGOs in that poster and the time doesn't match with the situation. So it was canceled and replace by another date and M2C's CEO, Nuovi Adeline, gave me the responsible to be as the head committee of this workshop because on Thursday I followed all of the problem 'til the end.
It was me and Victor to said some opening before the workshop start. Me as the head, saying a lot of sorry of some unwanted happening
I've prepared everything with nothing missed. For the first session of workshop, I just asked permission to Ms. Sofie - the assistant Principal of Kindergarten of Methodist-2 - of using their hall for workshop because SH and JH hall still on the renovation. Suddenly she told me that she knew it, but the teacher just told her that morning about it but then usually Elementary student always have singing extracurricular every Saturday. I was shocked and I couldn't do anything again except being so a little bit disappointed of the teachers in charge because before that, they told me that the hall has been borrowed. Hopefully, Ms. Sofie has been so kind that she gave me the authority of using that hall at 11.30. Thanks MISS! Then the workshop done in around 2 and half hours. To represent the alumnus, Ko Jonathan told us some problems that happened before. Honestly I didn't know anything about what he told us. As the head committee, I felt disappointed again but then I don't feel that much. At the end, Ferdinand and Ernestine and also the lovely Nathania and Jonson help me everything 'til the really time to go home.I was telling all happenings to Mr. Malaoe who is the constructor of M2C Organization

Nah, it was Evelyn who didn't see the camera, ME who was some kind busy of my BB, and Febe my partner for the workshop
The 2nd session, it has been prepared completely better than the first session. Projector has been borrowed, AQUA bottle has been bought and also for the AQUA cup, the duration of the time was just a little bit out of the time given, and everything has been so well. But then, about the AQUA cup, actually there are half box of the cups left last week and we planned to use it on the 2nd session. But then it was lost and we bought it 2 boxes again. Then because last week's AQUA bottle was only 7 and it wasn't enough, we bought 10 bottles. And also while the workshop was held on, I went to mom's shop for a moment to change my stuffs then I wanted to back to school, my mom gave me LONTONG for my lunch. But then, that food's water came out and it was making me has no mood to eat that so I threw it. For the bottles, left 4 bottles because the alumnus of that weren't that many as last week so I gave it to the Cleaning Service. The AQUA cups has a box and around 6 cups left, so the box I gave to Erwin and asked him to bring it home and the rest of cups I poured them in my bottle and I drank some left. The students who came at that session were half of last week's students, that's why the AQUA cups has a box and come cups left. Maybe this is because of the last week's workshop that was kind of mess, so that some students didn't has any mood to come again. And the last, the volunteer or the member of M2C, none of them accompany me 'til the time to go home. I arranged some of the stuffs that they didn't do and with a very extremely tired condition and face, I directly went to my cousin's house by pedicab as usual. Actually a bit disappointed of the member, but then, I will just let it be because when the time they were being like me, they will know how big the responsibility that they have for an event.
Overall, I learn a lot from this little event and actually I wish to handle the bigger event. But then, the M2C members should have their turn to do it. So I think, no more chance to do it again. Well, Should be sleeping now. Will have physics and bahasa exams and honestly I haven't studied and even understand about those two lessons. GOOD NIGHT. GOD BLESS!
And last, taking photo with the alumnus who have given their some time to made this workshop. Thanks Ko and Ci!
loves <3,