Hey there. How's life these days? Ah, it should be great. It is holiday right now and of course people are trying to do everything lovely as they want. If you're asking how about mine, yea, I spend holiday by helping my parents to keep well their stock store. People will say, that's so boring, you should have some walks with your friends there. Yaa, I know about that and I really want to do that too. But then, I have some problems that needs a lot of money so that I work at my parents' store and I will get my money per day. And also, Idul Fitri is coming, and many people will come and buy many clothes with my parents, so I should help them too as I couldn't help them everyday when I've entered my school and having many activities to do.
Honestly, idk what I should tell in this post. I have many things to tell, but actually, I have something that I really wanna post here, but then, for the readers who read this, if I've written something not good, please forgive me.
Hmm, day by day, my life is just as usual. And day by day, I always think about something in sudden. And mostly is, I think about who are my real people around me. Okay, just easy saying, I have many best friends, I have many people to laugh together, and I know many people. But among all of them, I wonder who will really actually could accept me through my good and bad habits? Okay, there are still many people could accept me because people are growing maturer already. But one thing again, who will always be there for me?
Yea, many people say I will always be there for you. I really appreciate it. But by the time I need someone to fill my boredom, there are no one could fill it. I don't accuse them who said that, but what I get is, I really have no one to always be together with. I have nobody whose schedules are all almost the same with mine. I have nobody to tell my problem as that person's problem is more important than mine. Overall, I don't have any chance for everything. And again, I don't accuse them too. I accuse myself because I'm closed hearted. I mean, I don't tell all of my happenings to someone it's because they have a lot of happenings to be tell. And at last, idk what happenings that I could tell to people and idk what happenings that I could tell to someone I trust only. And it end by no one really want to be close to me as I'm not open hearted. People will think that what's the use of being friend with me if me myself don't wanna tell my happenings. Honestly, actually I want to tell everything I have, but I'm just hard to trust people because when that people is actually untrust, by the time when the other people know about this, they will dislike me day by day. I'm confuse with myself. Should I just get my life alone and needing nobody beside me? Nononono, it will be hurter. Well, I think I have nothing to tell about this problem anymore. Actually I wanna continue it, but idk how.
By the way, going to have retreat by my church tomorrow. I was the coordinator of multimedia committee and I design some stuffs too. Actually I'm so excited with it. But when the stuffs are getting so unfriendly with me anymore and when I feel people are getting too over of their job and don't think who am I in this retreat, I'm getting no spirit of joining it. And I really prefer last year's retreat than this year though actually I put a lot of spirit and love for this retreat. Bless me Lord. I really need miracle for the D-day.
Thanks for reading. I wish the readers are the people who is really kind of so care to me that they don't get bored of this long texts. God bless :)))
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