As what the title is, I am going to share you the surprised that God did to me. Last Saturday night, I would be going to have barbeque party at my friend's house. Everything to be prepared was good, but my condition was somehow a little bit disturbing. I am on my period and it was my 3rd day of period on my barbeque day.
You know, on the first and the second day of my period, the blood came out the most when it was "noon going to night" time, and they were a lot. And after that, the blood would come out quite much until I woke up the next day. So, of course, I was worrying if the same thing will happen on my 3rd day, moreover, usually the blood still comes out a lot when it is my 3rd day. But guess what? God turned things to be well handled.
The blood that came out mostly at the "noon going to night" time didn't happen on my 3rd day of period. What a relief. While having fun and eating delicious foods, I didn't feel anything bad at all, and I haven't been to the toilet since arriving at my friend's house until the next morning. I actually even forgot that I have period at that night (since the period didn't do anything disturbing to me at all) until I went to the toilet the next day and realized that I am still in my period. But again, God surprised me.
My sanitary pad was empty at all! No blood at all on my sanitary pad. Can you imagine that? I was just wishing not to have the uncomfortable feeling of the big blood coming out from my body. That doesn't mean "the blood that comes out without my realization or that comes out without disturbing me at all" should not be happened too. I am okay for having the blood coming out, but I just didn't want it to come out in a way that could screw my comfort.
Woah, I am so thankful knowing about that. It made me realize again, God works right on the time eventhough I was just wishing it, and never prayed for it. You are amazing, my dear God. He showed me two miracles while I was at my friend's house. The first one was about my period. The second one will be posted on the next post.
God is always there for you. Life is too hard. But with God, He could surprised you in His way.