Time keeps going on, then feeling grows up or down, and our next action is decided from our own (hopefully) wise thought. When I truly realized that I can't and I should't have everything for myself, I realized that I should make the best possible decision ever for my own condition. No decision will be perfect, but there will be decision that suits the most for me. It all started from doing things at my best. Then I will get varies of feedback; But the feedback that touched my heart, surely is special. Nobody would be unhappy and not wanting more when something very good touches our heart. But something happy does not always stay in a longer time, sometimes the happiness might just stay for some years. Here comes the taking-decision-role should take a part. Whether do we decide to go for more, or decide to just let it stay as a feeling that comes in our life and just be casual (not doing more). Making a decision mostly gives me hard ...