Okay, I forget to add some more things just now, I just make the new ones. I'm thinking of someone who shouldn't I loved *as what my lasts blog that I posted* again :( and now stupidity *owh, not that stupid* I think of him! NOPE la! shouldn't think of anyboy ler~ should just think for my families, best friends, close friends, my studies, my future, and my talent. And even my characters. Haaayaaaaa~ this girl is thinking too much ya! Am I so egoist or am I so negative thinker? wew. hmph~ I should be focus of what is the first and let it to the last if something what I want isn't that realy so important! YEAH! okay, this time I'm gonna really off! Searching for my dad's songs for Sunday church first than off the NOTEBOOK and study for my PKN! See yah! Mwah!