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hope you read this

Last days, I was thinking of an idea which I try to not look for Fumiko. I try to not really talk or miss her *but actually she is the one that i missed so much*. I just sometimes responded her tweets *that's not really an important ones* and not bbm-ing her. In facebook, we are on a discussing, so it's not really influenced. But maybe we gonna off our discussion too in facebook. I try to wait for her. Wait her to look for me, finding information about me, or everything about me :) but what I got it's not really something I want. Maybe it's because that has been her character. Hehe. Idk too. I wish she could look for me and even so worried about me. That's all what I want. I wanna see, does she really missed me or not? Or I'm also nothing for her just like others? Or maybe I'm just like her bodyguard? Hmm, I'm sure she's not someone like that. I wish she reliezes it :) ♥ hmph~ okay, no more talking too much. Should be off! Parents have gone home already. Wish me luck always in my lessons :)))
