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I'm done in every exams that I had! Yeayyy! Let's party :p hahaha. I got 5remedials when the final examination has overed & I actually sad of it :( it just like I'm the only one who don't want to work hard for it! Geezzz! And left this week to have my schools & next week will be my holiday. Before, this week my school will have Christmas Celebration too. It's around 1hour for a Celebration. I wish I could bring my camera to take some photos there :))) WISMILAK! Haha. Then for my holidays, I've got list to do in these holiday already. I will re-smoothing my hair, celebrating Christmas at church, having some hang outs with friends, learning to drive car, & many more. And actually I wish I could buy some clothes too :) now, I should have a little by little change :pp wkwkwk. I love to see beautiful dress as I love everythings UNIQUE! But I wasn't that brave to have it :p hahaha. Okay, many days I've passed. And actually I'm kinda lazy to write something that makes me so happy. Hahahaha. Next time I'll write about it if I'm kinda good mood to tell about iy :) See yah <3
