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Hmm, these days I'm so lazy of updating this blog even I'm lazy to arrange the view. It has looked so bored now & I'm hardly to change the settings too. This is semester week & last weeks were my block examination week. I think, I'm not so good in answering those questions, but I hope the best from what I've learned. Please wish me luck for my examination :) I really don't know anymore with my physics :( really hard to solve the questions =.=

I'm rarely text my friends now, I don't know why I could be bored of texting people. Maybe it was because I got no one to chat again? Hmm. My cell phone does really so quite. Haysss~

okay, I've owned my own camera optical -Canon 7D- and a big wish to have a lot of photos with me and Jessica, and even Fumiko. Hmm, now I'm really sleepy now. WIsh me luck always :))) :DDD in the JESUS name, we Pray. AMEN :)
